Mārata Ketekiri Tamaira
Growing good words in the world
Mother Tree, Daughter Seed
Lessons in Slow Growth
Written by Mārata Ketekiri Tamaira
Illustrated by Carl F.K. Pao
University of Hawai‘i Press, 2025
Mother Tree, Daughter Seed: Lessons in Slow Growth is rooted in an ethos of social emotional literacy and ecological stewardship, engendering in readers an empathy for self and for the wider natural world. An ‘ike Hawai‘i perspective is privileged and reinforced through the inclusion of ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i (Hawaiian language) and Hawaiian concepts and values. Supplemental educational material provides further reading about trees and the importance of native forest conservation in Hawai‘i with recommendations on ways readers can help in that effort.
On the misty slopes of Hawai‘i’s sacred mountain Mauna Loa, high in the upland forest where the trees reach their branches to the open sky, a koa seed awakens. Slowly, gently, from beneath the warm soil, new life unfolds.Mother Tree, Daughter Seed follows the tender relationship between two koa trees, Mother Tree and her offspring Daughter Seed. From the moment she wakes from her long sleep beneath the soil, Daughter Seed is apprehensive about the world around her. However, at every stage of her development, Mother Tree is there to impart her wisdom and teach her precious seed that everything she requires to be strong is already inside her—all she needs to do is look within. Over the course of many decades Daughter Seed learns the meaning of self-worth, the value of slow growth, and the interconnectedness of all things.